Support requests are used for changing and updating your website. Such requests are not part of hosting your website. Reporting an outage on your website is not a support request – this is covered by your hosting.
We offer paid support for your website:
- Adding a new webpage
- Changing text, images or logos
- Configuring access, users or secuirty
- Adding new features
- Training and advice
- Upgrading themes
Support requests can be submitted by:
- Email su*****@we******.au
- Email any member of staff (will be forwarded to support@)
- Calling our office and leaving a voicemail or talking with staff
- Using the chat application in the back end of your website
- Using the chat application on our support websites
In most cases, customers are notified that time based charges apply. This is also outlined in our terms found here Customer are asked to withdraw the request if they do not accept charges up to 2-hours of time.
How do you track time?
Our ticketing system tracks time spent handling customer requests. Time is tracked from the moment we accept or read the initial request. Typically we access the website backend every time we progress a ticket. Preliminary work may be done before we respond. Time spent on every response and associated work is tracked and included.
Time is tracked against:
- Incoming commmunication (read)
- Outgoing communication (sent)
- Assessments and research (prework)
- Access and work performed (work done)
- External third-party comunication
How much do you charge for the time?
While our system tracks time in minutes, time is billed in 10-minute increments. Time is billed at different rates depending on the activity. Our current hourly rates can be found
At any point during a ticket/request customers can ask for the time used. Customer can request an written estimate for complex work. Estimates will not be provided for under 2-hours work.
You may be intersted in saving support costs by saving us time. Here’s a few tips:
Invoices are issued soon after a ticket is closed. Invoices are due in 7-days.
What if the issue is the hosting?
99% of all website problems are due to website content and configuration. This is the responsibility of the website owner and is not covered by monthly hosting charges (with any hosting provider).
At the completion of a ticket we will review any concerns. Issues determined to be completely due to the server, network or our behaviour will not charged. Restrictions and limitations apply.
Are there any exceptions?
Our hosting is full-managed and includes regularly updating most of the software used to build the websites. Updates are intended to address vulerabities, expand features, and fix bugs. However, new software can effect look of a website and may be incompatible. Fixing these types of issues is not included in monthly hosting charges (with any hosting provider).