Hosted content (websites) are the owner’s responsibility.
To appreciate this statement, it is helpful to get a better understanding of “hosting”. The dictionary defines “host” as “a place or organization that provides facilities and services for an event or function”. Hosting does not extend to the content of the event.
For websites, hosting is solely the provision of publicly accessible server space on the internet. As long as the hosted space is stable, relatively secure and available, hosting providers consider their service successfully delivered. Hosting companies take no responsibility for content placed inside the space (for example a website). Premium hosting providers may work to restore damaged content back to a previous state. Some may remove malware. None will be held accountable to repair the content. Hosting companies will always have terms that limit their liability and exclude content from their prevue.
Consistent with this approach; the selection of a hosting service is the responsibility of business owners. Typically hosting companies offer a variety of plans with different specifications. Business owners and traditional technicians rarely know how to choose a hosting plan. Website application hosting is not the same as a local server.
Hosting companies have made it easy to launch a simple website. This is not a benefit. Hosting servers are actually highly complex. Security and features must be tuned for different website platforms and applications. As soon as there is a challenging problem the business is adrift. Ongoing server administration should be reserved for qualified technicians.
Business owners need to accept their limitations. Assess whether the advice they receive is accurate or potentially biased. Define meaningful priorities – security, speed, reliability, and support. Avoid sales offers like unlimited space, most websites use less that 5Gb of space. Business owners who are taking their website or applications seriously, should consider using a Digital Agency or Managed Service Provider for the selection and administration of their hosting.
Digital Agencies and Managed Service Providers have the benefit of technicians trained to design and/or edit your website and its content. Don’t get confused, this is not part of your monthly hosting charges. Your will pay considerably more working with qualified and skilled professionals. For businesses that intend to increase business and value from their website or application, this level of support is well worth graduating from low-cost hosting.